Feed for Google Shopping/Local Products Please complete the form below. Also, PLEASE read all descriptions and answer as accurately as possible. Dealership Name(Required)Email Address for Correspondence(Required) Business Phone VerificationPlease enter your business phone number. A call from Google will be placed to verify the business phone number. An automated code will be provided during the call; this code must be emailed back to us at [email protected]. Business Phone Number(Required)Preferred Day to Receive the Verification Call(Required) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Preference to Receive the Verification Call (times are in CST)(Required) 10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am 11:00am - 11:30am 11:30am - 12:00pm Shipping InformationHandling Time(Required)Provide an estimate of the time taken for handling before shipping (e.g., 3-5 days) - the lower the better on this.Shipping Time(Required)Provide an estimate of the delivery time post-handling (e.g., 5-10 days) - the lower the better on this.Shipping Costs(Required)Indicate if free shipping is offered and if the specific shipping rate will be discussed directly with the customer (Google does not offer much flexibility here so we recommend offering free shipping and then discussing it with the customer).Tax InformationPlease specify if sales tax is charged for only in-state buyers.(Required) We charge sales tax for ONLY in-state buyers We charge sales tax for both in-state and out-of-state buyers CommentsPlease specify anything else we need to know if necessary.I'm ready to schedule and receive the Google verification call.(Required) I confirm.Google Verification Code must be emailed to [email protected]. Subject line should be: (Dealership Name) - Google Merchant Verification Code